Tuesday 18 June 2013

The only way is up!

At the start of our climb up Kilimanjaro. We are officially off. The only way is up!

With love,

Team Chai Altitude Xx


  1. good luck, really really missing Sianny

  2. what time zone is this blog on, neither Africa or the UK!

  3. SO proud of you J! You are inspiring all of us! Good luck on the you up...

  4. Good spot - I've changed the time zone to the UK! thank you!

  5. I am inspired by all of you. I would love to arrange a team of guys to do it sometime in the near future. To all the mothers from NWLJDS, the whole team and special mention to Lisa Steele. When you come back it would be great for the NWLJDS mothers to do a presentation about your climb. Go for it - Chazak Ve'ematz - Be strong and be strengthened!

    Zvi Kahn

  6. Hi Zvi

    We are one step ahead and are already planning a men's Kilimanjaro next June. Lets see if they can beat the women's total! Spread the word if you know anyone!

    I will pass your message on to Lisa about speaking.


    Jo @ Chai - jo@chaicancercare.org
